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A Simple and Competitive Option to Guaranteed Cost

Strategic Comp's simple approach works for everyone.

Simply put, Strategic Comp’s workers’ compensation aggregate deductible program provides a cost savings option to guaranteed cost where insureds can be rewarded for their good performance while minimizing their risk. This means your insured is only paying for the losses they do have, not the losses they might have.

The chance to save creates an immediate incentive to control claims and losses, keeping your clients’ employees safe and on the job.

  • Our aggregate deductible provides a maximum or worst case not much more than traditional guaranteed cost while providing an upfront cash flow advantage.

  • Your insured gets a dedicated Service Team that delivers results.

  • For accounts paying over $150,000 in guaranteed cost*

  • We welcome accounts with excellent loss experience as well as those with poor loss experience and high e-mods looking to improve.

A simple approach to workers’ comp makes it work for everyone. Here is a sampling of some of the businesses who have recently said yes to the Strategic Comp's innovative program.

*Select classes and states require higher premiums

Let’s talk about the accounts you have and the accounts you want!
Let's make this work!